Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Judging My Fellow Riders

 by David Fetti
I normally judge food, but today I want to take a moment to judge my fellow riders on the DC Metro.

As we know from my last post, I am pregnant, and now being seven months along and not covered by bulky sweaters or coats, it is very obvious that I am pregnant.  This is where my new insight and judgment come in.

I ride at "Peak of the Peak," the busiest time of rush hour, both in the morning and the afternoon and there is rarely an open seat. This is "zombie" time where people try not to look up from their phone/paper/book/whatever because they are trying desperately to be in their own world. Over the past few months I have become more aware of an issue I have with my fellow riders; in general, people who are of good health and perfectly able to stand do not get up and offer their seat to those who may need one more than them.

A woman who is pregnant should be offered a seat by an able bodied individual upon entering a train car.  I judge those individuals who do not offer a seat as rude and inconsiderate; being a "zombie" and not paying attention is not an excuse. While I should not have to provide an explanation as to why a pregnant woman should be offered a seat, here are a few for my fellow riders: pregnant women do not have the same abdominal strength to hold securely to a pole or rail while standing on a moving train, they are often over heated and physically uncomfortable from carrying extra weight, and it is dangerous to both the mother and the baby if she were to fall.

I know the "zombie" world, I usually am one of the "zombies." But I think we need to take a break from being a "zombie" as the doors open at each stop and observe the riders entering, there are people with disabilities, elderly individuals, people with small children, and those who are pregnant, they should all be offered a seat.  Treat others as you wish to be treated or as you hope your wife, sister, or mother will be treated. DC is known as one of the rudest cities in the country and right now I can clearly see why.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I Apologize

I am aware that I do not have many, if any followers.  So no one was extremely disappointed when I stopped posting.  The timing of my abrupt departure had to do with a major change in my life, which I happily discovered the day after Thanksgiving.  As you will notice, Thanksgiving was my last post.

27 Weeks
The day after Thanksgiving I found out I was pregnant!  While thrilled with this happy news, it also began a three month period of food aversion.  I didn't even want to think about food, let alone blog about it.  There were no new recipes or eating out.  The only thing I could manage to eat was orange popsicle and if it was a good day, maybe a strawberry popsicle.

My eating has not been great over the second trimester and I expect it will be even more "here and there" during the third.  I will try to post from time-to-time over the next few months, but I have a feeling I will have other things on my plate (hehe).

My hope is that I will turn into one of those super cool blogging moms and adjust my blog for cooking and dining out for moms/parents.  However, as my husband says, I'm not great at sticking to projects, so we'll see how this goes.